HomeServicesCultivating the AffluentPower Question: What Do You Think?

Power Question: What Do You Think?

Being adept at using carefully chosen questions enables professionals to be more effective at cultivating the affluent. Each month, I'll present readers with a "Power Question," including advice on when and how to best use the question to be more successful in working with the wealthy and centers of influence.

Power Question: What do you think?


When meeting with affluent clients and centers of influence, professionals are inclined to pontificate about their personal expertise as opposed to focusing on what’s meaningful to clients and centers of influence. People, in general, want to be recognized for their views as well as ensure you understand their positions on important matters.

The question is useful throughout your relationship with an affluent client or a center of influence. It can prove highly effective after you’ve made a proposal or recommendation of some kind. Also, it’s valuable after you’ve summarized a set of facts and before you move into analysis or making suggestions.

Objectives And Benefits
Gathering intelligence and perspective into the thinking and preferences of the affluent and centers of influence are always beneficial. Furthermore, you’re able to foster involvement in the process, thereby ensuring closure as well as building rapport. Using the question can also ensure that the affluent client or center of influence appropriately understands what you’re proposing, in addition to the reasoning behind the recommendation and its value.



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