HomePrivate WealthArticlesWhy Some Family Offices Are Investing In Guard

Why Some Family Offices Are Investing In Guard

Nic Peterson is the co-founder of Mastery Mode, Certainty U, the Certainty App, and the Wolf Den. He is also the co-creator of the CCA curriculum, teaching the concepts, frameworks, and filters to grow extraordinary organizations and help individuals discern the most efficient path forward to getting what they want. 

Russ Alan Prince: What is Guard?

Nic Peterson: Guard is a unique, decentralized currency on the BNB Smart chain designed to be a “base asset” or store of value representing the Wolf Den Ecosystem. The Wolf Den Ecosystem is composed of real-world projects and decentralized protocols that support purpose-driven entrepreneurs and organizations. 

Ranging from financial literacy programs and apps to decentralized tokens, exchanges, and decentralized finance protocols, the Wolf Den launches, incubates, and supports companies and DeFi projects that are doing good in the world. All activity within these different projects directly supports the value of the Guard token.

The retail side of the Wolf Den is designed to educate retail investors on how to utilize the ecosystem to collect trading fees, get sustainable yield and interest, and hedge the downside inherent in a volatile market.

Prince: How is Guard different from other cryptocurrencies? 

Peterson: To answer this question, context is important.

With the exception of “stable” currencies pegged to the US dollar, cryptocurrencies are positively correlative to either Bitcoin or Ethereum, especially upon inception. Arguably Bitcoin and/or Ethereum represent the macro market. In other words, they are the crypto equivalent of the S&P with most cryptocurrencies having a beta close to one relative to Bitcoin and Ethereum.

What makes Guard unique is that it is not highly positively correlated to Bitcoin or Ethereum. This is important for family offices, institutions, and large portfolios. Guard also provides two unique abilities: the ability to generate yield and the ability to borrow against your own Guard holdings. 

Like all investments, Guard can increase and decrease in value. Still, we believe that with Guard there are greater opportunities to better manage volatility. Also, not only do investors benefit from appreciation, they can benefit from staking. 

Prince: As an investment, who is Guard appropriate for?

Peterson: Guard is designed specifically for long-term investors who understand the power of compounding over time and value hedging downside risk to create asymmetric upside.

The best investors have been institutions and family offices with the fiduciary responsibility to minimize risk while staying exposed to the upside of Guard, appreciation, and compounding yield. Guard has become considered a store of value and a hedge amongst these investors.

Prince: Where does Guard fit in the portfolio of a family office?

Peterson: The most common way family offices and funds are using Guard within their existing portfolio are what we call “macro belief.” That is to say, they believe based on evidence and evaluation, that Guard is the best-positioned crypto asset for a store of value long-term. As such, these family offices that were already exposed to crypto, before Guard existed, have consolidated their previous crypto holdings into Guard. 

Guard, however, is NOT particularly attractive to crypto day traders. Guard is also not ideal for individuals with short-time preferences. In other words, individuals who are looking to get rich quickly. Guard is not a way to “get rich quick” asset and it’s designed for long-term sustainable appreciation. 

Prince: How do investors buy Guard?

Peterson: Guard is available on select decentralized exchanges, and will soon be listed on a few centralized exchanges like Kucoin. 

A decentralized exchange is simply an exchange that has lower transaction fees, lets holders hold their assets directly in their wallets, and allows holders to provide liquidity to collect the trading fees if they want. A centralized exchange will often request to hold custody of your assets before allowing trading and, as they are typically for-profit entities the trading fees are higher. 

The safest and more reliable place to buy Guard is where the Guard/BUSD liquidity is the highest. Currently, that is the decentralized exchange Knightswap which can be accessed via web browser at:

On top of paying lesser fees and keeping control of your assets in your wallet, if you buy from Knightswap those fees are distributed to those providing liquidity and not to Knightswap. As discussed earlier, one could also provide liquidity. This also mitigates some downside.

RUSS ALAN PRINCE is the Executive Director of Private Wealth magazine ( and Chief Content Officer for High-Net-Worth Genius ( He consults with family offices, the wealthy, fast-tracking entrepreneurs, and select professionals.


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