The Whole Client Model

The Whole Client Model is an empirically derived profiling mechanism gleaned from the best practices of leading ultra-successful professionals.

When used correctly, this process helps them gain an intimate level of knowledge about their affluent clients, uncover new business opportunities and act in a more consultative capacity. The model consists of seven interdependent sections that represent a client’s complete state of affairs.

Affluent client vitals: Identify the key demographics that will form the basis of the affluent client’s profile.

Key demographics
• What is the affluent client’s age?
• What is the affluent client’s total net worth?
• What is the affluent client’s gender?

Goals: Understand the affluent client’s personal and professional objectives, including the intentions for family and loved ones and resources and assets.

Sample questions
• What are the affluent client’s personal and professional goals?
• What is his or her financial end-goal?
• What does the affluent client want – or feel obligated to do – for children, for other family members, for friends, for society and for the world at large?

Relationships: Understand the relationships that are most important to the affluent client and those that carry some financial or emotional obligation.

Sample questions
• What family relationships (spouse, children, brothers/sisters, parents, etc.) are the most important in the affluent client’s personal life?
• Who are the business partners and how strong are their relationships?
• Who does the affluent client do business with?

Financials: Understand the affluent client’s current sources of income and any factors that may impact him or her in the short- or intermediate-term, as well as the structure, registration and location of assets and liabilities.

Sample questions
• How are the affluent client’s assets structured?
• How does the affluent client make money today?
• How is the affluent client’s revenue likely to change in the next three years?

Professionals: Know other professionals who work with the affluent client on a regular basis and understand the role and the influence each has in his or her life.

Sample questions
• Who are the other professionals the affluent client is using and what role do they play?
• Of late, how frequently has the affluent client switched selected professionals?  
• If the affluent client has switched professionals, what is the reason for the change?

Process:. Understand the affluent client’s preferred method and frequency of interaction and the level of detail required to satisfy his or her sophistication and curiosity.

Sample questions
• How many contacts are optimal for the affluent client each year?
• What types of contacts work best, under what conditions, for the affluent client?
• What security measures are they using to protect his or her personal and financial information?  

Interests: Identify those activities and topics that occupy the affluent client’s time and money.

Sample questions
• What are the affluent client’s favorite activities, TV programs, movies and sport teams?
• Are health and fitness important to the affluent client (and, if so, what is his or her regimen)?
• What is the affluent client’s religious orientation and how devout are he or she?

Many professionals find the Whole Client Model somewhat daunting. You’ll need to obtain and process a lot of information. However, practice and persistence will make a significant difference in your ability to become proficient.



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