HomeFA OnlineLatest Top ListsThe Cities With The World's Best Quality Of Life

The Cities With The World’s Best Quality Of Life

Monocle has published its annual quality of life survey that showcases what the global lifestyle media organization defines as the best 25 cities to live in around the world.

This year, the threat of terrorism and restrictions on openness have risen in import. As always, affordability, cultural offerings and the amount land devoted to parks and green space are part of the mix.

Here are the cities that took top spots, along with reasons cited by Monocle for their high quality of life:

10. Madrid
Neighborhood groups and residents are banding together to make the streets cleaner and safer—and easier to manage. Alternative transportation, such as electric car sharing programs and scooters, are also improving air quality.


9. Hamburg
New development is bringing global attention to Germany’s media capital. Economic strength and creative industries are flourishing.


8. Zurich
Sustainability remains a priority, the trains run on time and there is a new building boom.


7. Sydney
Cultural vibrancy, a strong economy and stunning beaches are the big draws, not to mention new air travel routes to China and a growing collaboration between the Sydney and Beijing arts communities.


6. Copenhagen
Safety, low unemployment, social services and a raft of new businesses make Copenhagen a top spot again and again. 


5. Melbourne
Cheap office rent, reliable infrastructure and a strong pool of creative talent have Melbourne growing faster than at any other time in its history.


4. Munich
Entrepreneurs are bringing Berlinesque pop-up clubs to Munich, and internationals are finding employment at the many industrial companies headquartered in the city.


3. Berlin
Diversity, creativeness, good public transportation and bike- and car-sharing options earn high-quality marks for Berliners.


2. Vienna
Walkability, architecture and well-kept green areas give people “time to think.”


1. Tokyo
Tourism is booming as terrorist threats have largely steered clear of the Japanese capital. Tradition, diversity and manners (good service and civility) give Tokyo the edge this year.











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