HomeServicesAlternative InvestmentsNext Gen Wealth Holders Aim For Sustainable Investments

Next Gen Wealth Holders Aim For Sustainable Investments

NEXUS, the global network of wealthy young investors, social entrepreneurs, and philanthropists, recently wrapped two summits wherein members provided insight into how and where the next generation of wealth will spend and invest.

At the NEXUS USA Summit in Washington D.C. and the NEXUS Asia Summit in Phuket, Thailand, millennial scions and the self-made took on the responsibility of social impact and, in particular, sustainability—a prospect previously championed by government, yet is dithering under pressure from policies emanating from the Trump Administration.

The concept of "restorative sustainability" is being batted around as a theme NEXUS members can latch onto to direct efforts and investments. Restorative sustainability is, according to NEXUS, "how people and companies can be a net positive on nature and the world around us." It is how companies can go beyond sustainability and circular economy models to create positive social, economic and environmental impact. By identifying companies operating within this spectrum, investors can facilitate big changes, the thinking goes.

For example, companies addressing climate change, human trafficking, modern slavery, education, environmental conservation and impact invention can not only create success within their businesses and, in turn, investors, but afford positive change to the world at large.

NEXUS holds a big stick when it comes to engendering investments, particularly those with social impact themes. It has more than 3,000 members in 70 countries and involves several hundred young people from the world's most influential families. Older, traditional investors may be wise to take note of investment themes appealing to next-gen wealth holders; that's where big money is headed.

According to the Boston College Center on Wealth and Philanthropy, $59 trillion will pass to the next generation of wealth holders in the U.S. by the year 2050. In addition, $6.3 trillion of charitable bequest will flow during that same time.


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