HomeServicesAlternative InvestmentsJon Corzine's New Hedge Fund Eyes Event Wagers Triggered By Trump

Jon Corzine’s New Hedge Fund Eyes Event Wagers Triggered By Trump

Jon Corzine, who held the reins of MF Global Holdings when it collapsed, is making his comeback with a new hedge fund that’s betting the Trump administration will stir up markets.

The JDC-JSC Opportunity Fund, which bears the initials of Corzine’s late son Jeffrey and his own, will launch this quarter and aims to attract $100 million to $300 million in its first trading year, according to a person familiar with his thinking. Corzine and former Taconic Capital Advisors investment director Richard Chappelear will share the chief investment officer role.

Corzine, 71, whose wide-ranging career includes serving as a U.S. senator and governor from New Jersey, is jumping into the hedge fund industry as it struggles to raise money. His fund will make event-driven and macro trades on the expectation that President Donald Trump’s policies will trigger corporate actions and ripple through asset valuations, the person said. Tax reform could spell stock-price divergence in sub-sectors of the small-cap Russell 2000 Index, spurring deals.

The fund will begin with event-driven trades and expand into macro investing — trading interest rates, currencies and stocks — when market volatility returns. Low volatility over the past few years has hindered the performance of most macro hedge funds.

Over the next six-to-twelve months, macro opportunities could include calendar spreads — placing opposite wagers on a security such as a volatility index tracker over specific time frames — and other trades that reflect the difference in turbulence across various markets, the person said.

Chappelear joined Corzine’s New York-based firm in November after relocating from London, and had focused on event-driven and merger arbitrage investing during his decade-long tenure at Taconic. Corzine’s five-person team includes head trader Sean Roberts, who worked at MF Global, and ex-Zama Capital Advisors Chief Financial Officer Justin Mauskopf, who is CFO at JDC-JSC. Jack Schneider is head of client outreach and services.

Corzine took the helm at MF Global in March 2010 and the firm imploded the next year after more than $1 billion of customer money went missing. It was, at the time, the eighth-largest bankruptcy in U.S. history. The money was later found and returned.

Last year, Corzine paid $5 million of his own money to settle with regulators who accused him of failing to fix inadequate controls at MF Global. He was banned from running or working for a futures broker or registering with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. His new fund can only invest a limited amount of client capital in futures.

Steven Goldberg, a spokesman for Corzine, declined to comment.

This article was provided by Bloomberg News.


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