HomeServicesLifestylesHillary's Net Worth? Way More Than Bernie's Or Martin's

Hillary’s Net Worth? Way More Than Bernie’s Or Martin’s

The Federal Election Commission released the financial disclosure forms of Martin O'Malley and Bernie Sanders on Thursday, and we learned one thing we already knew: They're not Clintons. Not even close.

Sanders, the Vermont socialist, has a maximum net worth of $737,000, all reported in accounts held by his wife, Jane. This top-end figure may be a bit understated. As a member of Congress since 1991, Sanders has been able to invest in the Thrift Savings Plan, the 401(k)-style plan for federal workers. His balance in that account doesn't have to be reported on the public forms.

O'Malley, the former Maryland governor, has a maximum net worth of about $256,000. That's after subtracting the $339,000 in student loans that he owes for his daughters' college educations, at interest rates between 7.65 and 8.5 percent. He earned (not-Clinton-level) money giving speeches to JetBlue ($5,000), American University ($7,400) and Boston Consulting Group ($25,000), plus a series of speeches to Environmental Systems Research Institute, a mapping-software company, that netted him $147,812. O'Malley's best asset going forward is his pair of public pensions, one from his time as a city council member and mayor in Baltimore and then another one from his two terms as governor.

So, combined, O'Malley and Sanders are worth, at best, about $1 million, according to their public forms.

Hillary and Bill Clinton's minimum net worth: $11.3 million.


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