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Grove Appointed To Hedge Fund Association Board

Hannah Shaw Grove, a prominent wealth consultant, has been named to the high-net-worth advisory board of the Hedge Fund Association.

Grove, principal of HSGrove LLC, has more than 20 years experience researching the high-net-worth market. She is the executive editor of Private Wealth magazine and the author of 10 books on family offices, hedge funds, wealth management and other topics.

“As hedge funds prepare to communicate directly to affluent investors and their financial advisors in new ways, Hannah’s knowledge will be instrumental to HFA members around the world,” HFA President Mitch Ackles said.

“Hedge funds are already an important vehicle for wealthy investors,” Grove said. “With continued market volatility and changing regulations, there’s an opportunity for them to gain greater acceptance and capture more assets from the ultra-affluent.”

The Hedge Fund Association is an international, non-profit organization made up of hedge funds, funds of hedge funds, family offices, high-net-worth individuals, financial advisors and service providers.


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