HomeServicesCultivating the AffluentAdvisor Power Question: Can You Tell Me More?

Advisor Power Question: Can You Tell Me More?

Being adept at using carefully chosen questions enables professionals to be more effective at cultivating the affluent. Each month, I'll present readers with a "Power Question," including advice on when and how to best use the question to be more successful in working with the wealthy and centers of influence.

Power Question: Can you tell me more?

It’s quite common for affluent clients and centers of influence to put forth a position that you might not find completely clear. Many professionals will then make inaccurate presumptions that are detrimental to the relationship and get in the way of the delivery of high-caliber solutions.

The question is best used often and everywhere. It’s very appropriate in situations where knowing more about a person is highly advantageous.

The better you understand the thinking of affluent clients and centers of influence, the more successful you’re going to be. By prompting them to go deeper, your knowledge of their worldview and their circumstances increases. The result is superior understandings that can readily translate into superior deliverables and greater rapport.


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