HomeServicesLifestylesTop 10 Universities With The Richest Alumni

Top 10 Universities With The Richest Alumni

Data research company WealthInsight and business magazine Spear's gathered data on 70,000 millionaires around the world to find where they earned a college degree and what fields they studied.

Eight of the top 10 universities with the highest number of rich alumni are based in the U.S., with the U.K. home to the other two.

Engineering degrees produced the most millionaires, although most engineering grads made money as entrepreneurs, the study revealed. MBAs, law, accounting, and finance degrees also led to financial success.

The universities with the richest alumni are as follows, with number one producing the most.

No. 10
University of Pennsylvania

Billionaire Warren Buffett is an alumni of this university as is businessman and investor Ronald Perelman.


No. 9
University of Cambridge

Famed physicist Stephen Hawking earned a degree here, as did journalist and entrepreneur Arianna Huffington.


No. 8
New York University

Actor and director Woody Allen graduated from NYU, as did actor Billy Crystal and fashion designer Tom Ford.


No. 7
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

MIT-educated astronauts have been included in more than a third of the nation's space flights, including Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin and Catherine Coleman. Alfred Sloan, former chairman of General Motors, earned his degree here in 1895.


No. 6
University of Oxford

Twenty-six British prime ministers graduated from this institution. King Abdullah II of Jordan earned a degree here, as did 50 Nobel Prize winners.


No. 5
Columbia University

Hollywood producer David O. Selznick and fashion designer Mary McFadden graduated from this New York City university.


No. 4
University of California

Former chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court Earl Warren and Tom Anderson, co-founder of Myspace, are among the notable graduates of the Berkeley, Calif., campus.


No. 3
Stanford University

The founders of Internet search site Google — Sergey Brin and Larry Page — are alums of Stanford, as is actress Sigourney Weaver.


No. 2
Harvard Business School

Michael Bloomberg, former New York City mayor and founder of Bloomberg LP, earned a degree here, as did David Rockefeller, who went on to become the CEO of Chase Manhattan Bank.


No. 1
Harvard University

The oldest university in the country claims President Barack Obama and former President John F. Kennedy among its graduates. Famous dropouts include billionaires Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft, and Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook.


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