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Centimillionaires Leaving A Legacy That Will Stand The Test Of Time

Michael Cole is the Founder and Managing Partner of R360, an invitation-only, member-run community of people with more than $100 million in net worth. During his career, Michael has helped thousands of families integrate the management of their wealth with its impact, blending strategic and tactical planning that preserves both financial resources and family harmony, resulting in multi-generational success. He is also the author of the bestselling and critically acclaimed book, “More Than Money, A Guide to Sustaining Wealth and Preserving the Family.”

Russ Alan Prince: What is R360 and who is it for?

Michael Cole: R360 is an invitation-only, member-run community of people with more than $100 million in net worth. We are an oasis for exceptionally accomplished individuals who want to grow capital across the full spectrum of wealth: financial, intellectual, social, human, emotional, and spiritual. 

Whether they’re passionate about cryptocurrency, longevity, philanthropy, raising the next generation of compassionate, responsible leaders, or exploring the world, members get unprecedented access to the people, resources, and experiences that open the door to a greater appreciation of the impact that wealth can have. These are leaders whose success has brought immense wealth, but who aspire to do still more…to inspire and challenge future generations and to use their abilities, wealth, and knowledge to leave a legacy that will stand the test of time.

Prince: Who is R360 NOT for?

Cole: R360 is not a good fit for those who are simply interested in making more money or finding investors for their next deal. We are a community for those who want to better themselves, their families, and the world. Simply put, R360 is about more than money. In fact, we’ve turned down several billionaires who wanted to join R360 as we felt they did not embody our values.

Prince: What makes R360 unique?

Cole: There are several aspects of R360 that make us unique. First, our focus on wealth as something more than money allows us to share best practices among our members about not only managing wealth but also its impact. We’ve created proprietary content and programs to help our members cultivate the six forms of capital—financial, intellectual, social, human, emotional, and spiritual. 

Another important distinction is that we are focused on the family, not just individuals. We encourage all generations of a family to participate in R360's programs, events, travel, and member-run committees so that they can flourish as individuals and bond as a unit. Additionally, unlike some similar organizations, we are a solicitation-free membership group, so our members can relax, be open and authentic with one another, and not have to worry about constantly being “sold” on one thing or another.

Prince: What is the future of R360?

Cole: We have seen tremendous interest in R360 among families with $100 million or more in net worth. Our goal is to grow to 500 members domestically, and another 500 internationally. We will cap the number of members to maintain the intimacy, integrity, and connection of the community. We intend to remain highly exclusive, only welcoming those rare candidates who share our values and vision.

RUSS ALAN PRINCE is the Executive Director of Private Wealth magazine ( and Chief Content Officer for High-Net-Worth Genius ( He consults with family offices, the wealthy, fast-tracking entrepreneurs, and select professionals.


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